Honda Starting Restored in July 2011

Marathon Toyota announced that Japan's recovery in the supply of components and the whole country in the world beginning in June. While the Honda Motor Company through its branches in the United States declared the production began to recover and return to its normal position in July and August 2011.

John Mendel, American Honda Executive Vice President, as reported by autonews (19/05/2011) send a memo to all dealers in the U.S. that inform, Honda will face the toughest conditions this month (May 2011). Because, the supply unit will touch the lowest level and will increase 11 percent from July. 

"We've stated, we touched the lowest level and is now beginning to return to increase production capacity,"said Mendel. He added that the announcement of the recovery conditions new Honda officially announced the principal next week.

A Honda source confirmed there is a memo from Mendel sent to all Honda dealers, but do not want to explain when production began to return to normal. In the memo, Mendel also calm the dealer to stay positive, because even though the supply down the position of sales is still better than the same month the previous year.

"We all know the car market continued to improve and we will be able to grow together with this situation,"said Mendel.



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